Police structure in Italy part 2

Italian Police - a concept that encompasses many diverse aspects. In today's blog post, we will examine three important branches of Italian law enforcement: Polizia Postale, Guardia Costiera, and Corpo Forestale.

Polizia Postale

Polizia Postale, also known as the „Electronic Communications Police,” is one of the most important branches of the Italian police dedicated to addressing crimes related to the internet, electronic communication, and the cyber domain. Its primary goal is to protect citizens from online crimes such as internet fraud, cyberbullying, sexual offenses, and many others. Polizia Postale has specialized units and cybersecurity experts who work on detecting and combating online threats.

Guardia Costiera

Guardia Costiera, or the Coast Guard, is an institution responsible for monitoring and safeguarding the Italian coastline. This branch of Italian services is involved in both sea life rescue and the protection of the marine environment. Its tasks include coastal patrolling, search and rescue at sea, maritime traffic control, and combating illegal activities at sea, such as drug trafficking and illegal fishing. Guardia Costiera plays a crucial role in sea safety and environmental protection.

Corpo Forestale

Corpo Forestale, or the Forest Corps, is an institution responsible for the protection and management of natural resources in Italy. It is an agency that oversees forests, national parks, wildlife and flora conservation, controls illegal tree cutting, fights forest fires, and addresses various environmental protection issues. Corpo Forestale plays a key role in preserving the beauty of Italy’s natural environment.


The Italian Police is organized and focuses on various aspects of societal life, from digital security to maritime safety and environmental protection. These three branches, Polizia Postale, Guardia Costiera, and Corpo Forestale, play significant roles in ensuring safety and preserving the beauty of Italy. It is worth appreciating their work and dedication in serving the citizens and the environment.

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